Subject: Umhh Author: Caroline V Marett Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 11:05:21 BST Newsgroups: Organization: Virgin Net Usenet Service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you ignore this post in digust I want to say a few things I was an idiot. I made a laughing stock of myself. What 'balance'? MLP taking over Sonic? (Or was it the other way round? Cant remember) *groan* That was so pathetic. I love them both. Ive loved Sonic since I was 5. And I never had problems. I cringed when I saw one leftover of those bad days- Id written on a webpage that Id tend to my true love My Little Pony. HOW STUPID IS THAT? Plastic horses dont have feelings! That list of 'why sonic is crap' was dumb. I just did it to annoy the heck out of everyone. It was P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C. All that spam- stupid.Might have well been a 4 year old whinging "I hate you all! Sux pies! Nasty pigs! Waaaah!" Im honestly sorry about all of it. I just wanted to clear things up so you wouldnt all grow old and die with my name written in blood. (Couldnt come up with a better one sorry) If you want me to stay away fine. I dont care. Im still reading your posts anyway