The Snively Awards
Presented by CoyoteNet Communications Corp.

Live from an abandoned fast-food hamburger processing plant, this is The Snively Awards; a perpetually-running awards ceremony that (dis)honors the worst Sonic fanfiction of the modern era! Here you can see fanfics that are being recognized for all the wrong reasons... for being gratuitously graphic, horribly spelled, insanely (or should that be inanely?) cliched, and basically just not worth the download time to attempt to read them.

Right now we're still getting set up, working on defining the rules and waiting for the janitors to clean up all the congealed grease on the floor. However we should be ready to go soon, so check back again!

© 2001 James "Coyote" Calhoun & Coyotenet Communications Corp.
All rights reserved.

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